Night Wolf #4 Variant Cover
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Robert Multari & Lone Wolf Comics presents: NIGHT WOLF #4
Cover penciled by Chris Williams (Cdubbart)
Cover inked by Jake Isenberg
Cover colored by Gat Melvyn
Signed copy by Chris Williams (Cdubbart)
Written & Created by Robert Multari
Interior Line Art By: Carlos Herrara
Interior Colors By: Gat Melvyn
Published by Lone Wolf Comics
After fending off a horde of vampires and werewolves, Rodney Marcelli and Snow Paw flee to escape the FBI Special Investigation Agents, who have come to investigate the scene. While hiding in the dense woods behind Rodney’s family’s home, Snow Paw tells him of their Monoki werewolf heritage. Snow Paw concludes that Rodney is unlike all other members of their breed. Then without warning, the supernatural monster slayer, Night Hunter, drops in on them armed to the teeth, with his sights on Rodney.